NEA Task 12 : Research Into Film Magazine content page


The contents page for sight and sound, little white lies is only a single page, which means that it is concise and short but informative. However, the contents page of film stories takes up 2 pages, which is suggesting that the magazine contains lots of content and detail, which is beneficial for the readers who want to learn in more detail what is inside the magazine.

The layout for Sight and Sound is very organised and simplistic, with all content being divided by thin borders. Also, the content is laid out in bullet points, which gives it a minimalistic and modern appearance while interesting the reader into reading them pages to find out more. There are people mentioned within the contents page, such as Derek O’Connor a writer, editor and filmmaker. The contents page is identical between editions, with the June 2022 and march 2023 editions having the exact same positioning of boxes and borders, with different content and people mentioned. For example, Jonathan Rosenbaum who is a film critic and author. However, in Little White Lies, there are no borders to separate the content, which is displayed in a vibrant black and yellow colour, which catches the eye of readers and gives it a more basic and simple appearance. Also, the sans serif font emphasises this sense, which is appealing to the target audience who would expect this modern style of magazine. There are only 9 articles that are mentioned in this page, but it goes into more detail than Sight and Sound. Furthermore, everything is centralised within the page, which ensures that the readers are able to see all of the content easily. Similarly, in the November to December 2022 edition of Little White Lies follows this structure and layout, with the background and content contrasting in colours and the lack of borders or divisions between the content regarding the featured articles. It also follows the expectation of there only being one page, which shows consistency. However, the front cover of film stories features lots of different content and features photographs to give the reader a clearer understanding of what they are going to be reading about. This occurs in both editions, which have identical layouts but with different colours and layouts.

The different sections that are displayed within the contents page for Sight and Sound are: editorial, opening scenes, letters, talkies, and endings. There is also a “Reviews” section which contains: Films, television, DVD/Blu-Ray, wider screen, and books. Having these sections means that there is going to be something that is engaging and interesting for everyone, which ensures that the magazine appeals to everyone within their target audience. Also, it gives the readers a good idea of what to expect or where to find a specific article. This is identical within the March 2023 edition, which features the exact same sections and headings. However, in Little White Lies there is only one sections, which is “Feature Contents”. This one section contains all of the articles within the magazine. This is seen within the November and December editions aswell, with the exact same section being present. However, in Film Stories there is one clear section: “Credits” with everything falling under that category. The other headings include: The important people and Less important people. There are four articles featured within the centre of the pages for both publications, but they do not feature headings or sections to label them.

The contents page for Sight and Sound indicates that the magazine is going to contain articles that talk about new or popular films, review different films or other media formats such as books, and features an article that talks about films back in 1982, which will engage an older audience. Similarly, in the March 2023 edition, the contents page features the same content but with different films and a “from the archive” article which goes into detail about films in the year 2000. However, Little White Lies features articles with reviews, information about people in film, and other film related articles that could engage their target audience. Similarly, the November to December edition features reviews and film related articles. Film Stories also features content related to films such as reviews or previews of upcoming films with photos provided to give the reader a sense of excitement. There are also articles on the side of the second page which are film related such as interviews with film stars. This is also present in the march 2023 edition which has four main articles about actors or upcoming films with extra articles being included such as Ready Player One.

The typography in Sight and Sound is minimal and in a sans serif font which gives it a very simple and minimal appearance which creates a sense of modernism, which appeals to the target audience as they are an audience who would expect a modern and new look to it. Also, the headings for each box is in bold, which makes it easy and clear for the readers to see what the headings are for each box and page, which is convenient and appealing. The fonts for Little White Lies follows this trend with the text at the top of boxes being in bold, which is done for the same reason. However, their text is much more concise and it is all centred within the middle of the page. However, in Film Stories, the typography remains consistent apart from some of the headings being in bold. The font is very small and around the outside of the pages in both editions, which means that they can fit more in for more detail.

The page numbers are different across the magazines as the content is featured on different pages varying on the length of the magazine and the amount of content on other pages. In sight and sound they in bold so the readers can clearly see what page they need to turn to in order to find their desired content, minimising confusion and time spent searching for a page. In little white lies they are much small and more concise, to match the theme of minimalism and a clean appearance. However, in film stories the numbers are large and clearly visible to the readers, as they are big and in bright colours.

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