NEA Task 4 : Research Into An Existing Bauer Film Magazine (Empire)

From the media pack that Empire have provided, I can see that they are established with very popular and successful films such as Star Wars. Bauer are the creators of Empire, one of the UK's most popular film magazines, and this media pack that they have created features lots of useful information regarding Empire. For example, I can see that Empire can be accessed through 4 different media forms: Digital, Podcast, Live events, and a website. This tells me that Empire are very successful and are able to reach their 70,000 monthly readers effectively, ensuring that they provide the most convenient and easy to access experience, meaning that they understand what the readers want. Also, having multiple platforms for readers is a good indication that Empire are able to generate lots of revenue, as it would cost lots of money to hire people to create this. 

Empire are aiming to meet the needs of their expected audience: a male aged between 18 and 40 who is employed and in a relationship and with not alot of free time and is passionate about film, which could also indicate why they are branching out to many platforms such as digital, as this would be the quickest access for them. In the media pack, they have stated that they want the readers to have easy access to their cinematic content at any time from any place. This is because they believe that it is important to inform and entertain their audience no matter where they are, as it is a very busy world where their readers do not have many opportunities to go and buy a physical copy. This is different to my target audience, who are people of either gender aged between 16-25; a large age difference to the Empire magazine.

Empire are able to create their magazines with very exclusive and exciting content, as they claim that they are able to get interviews with actors and behind the scenes action that would not be found elsewhere. This is an example of them meeting the needs of their target audience, as they are people who are passionate about films, which means that they would want to be seeing and reading content that cannot be found in other magazines, giving them a unique selling point that can draw in even more customers. Furthermore, they claim that their team of workers are all passionate about film and want their customers to be receiving the best content from people who are of a similar demographic. This ensures that they are meeting the needs of their target audience as they are making their product the best value that they can, making it special and exciting every issue.

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